Episode 9

Are You More Interested In Pleasing People or Pleasing God?

Today we are talking about the Pleaser Saboteur.

The overwhelming need to be liked and approved of by other people can be a major stumbling block in your relationship with the Holy Spirit.

If you spend more of your time trying to rescue, help, save or make other people happy than you do pleasing God, then you NEED to listen to this podcast!

It is so important that you get your priorities in order.

Seek the Lord first, and all else shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33.

About the Podcast

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Elevation Motivation
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About your host

Profile picture for Kristin vanTilburg

Kristin vanTilburg

Kristin van Tilburg is a mindset expert who helps Christians actively participate with God in the renewing of their minds. She will teach you how to shift from fear, uncertainty and doubt into the joy of aligning your will with God’s will for your life. You will learn to abide with your Father. Using practical processes and actionable steps, Kristin’s expertise will help you reprogram your brain so that you experience God’s presence more powerfully. You will move forward in His wisdom and strength to become all He would have you be. Contact her today to see how she can assist you to victory. www.ElevationMotivation.com.